Behind the scenes - Page 10

Throwing Down the Tracks

Besides myself, the entire production staff (Producers, Production Manager, Production Coordinator, etc.) all had day jobs. We had no money to pay anyone, so we had to make the best of what we had. And these guys went off. Their dedication and commitment kept me going every day. Despite my professional, financial, and family situations, I felt as confident as ever. If all of these people felt committed enough to give up all of their free time for my movie, this thing must be worthwhile. Either they were all fucking bonkers or we were on to something.

When production finally rolled around, we were a far cry from ready. We didn't have all of our props. Cash was tight. And we hadn't secured even half of our locations. The plan was to try and nail down week one and then work one week ahead as we went. Of course a week turned into days. And, oftentimes, we didn't even have locations, props, even actors for shoots the same day. But no one ever gave up hope. And the production team kept after it.

We lived by the supermarket theory: when you approach the store and step onto those plastic mats, you have no doubt in your mind that those automatic doors are going to open. You don't even think about it, right? You just barge in and head for the Ben & Jerry's. That's how you have to live when you're making movies. You've got to charge ahead and expect doors to open. That theory never failed us.

Time and time again we got what we needed. It was stressful as hell, an experience none of us would ever want to re-live. But, somehow, we pulled it. It was like Wile E. Coyote racing along full speed in a locomotive, throwing the tracks down ahead of the train. I'm sure it took a few years off our lives, but we made it. 

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